Toolijooa Nursery
Where it all began.
Toolijooa Nursery specialises in the collection & propagation of provenance native seed & cuttings throughout the Sydney Basin & beyond. Our clients include local government, state government, private land holders & developers, catchment management authorities, sub-contracting companies & not-for-profit organisations.
Toolijooa Nursery establishes plants in low phosphorus fertiliser, low moisture & full sun conditions to ensure the production of tough, hardy plants with high field survival rates. Stock is supplied in tubes, hiko cells & a range of larger containers up to 100L in volume.
Nursery Services include
Contract Seed Collection
Contract Propagation
Provenance Specialists
Wetland Plants
Forestry Tubes & Hiko Cells
General Stock Sales
Making a difference.
Toolijooa Nursery has been operating since 1997, collecting seed and cuttings from particular ecological communities in specific locations in order to produce revegetation material for bushland restoration projects both large and small across the Sydney Basin.
Since we started growing over 20 years ago, Toolijooa Nursery has become regarded as a reliable supplier of provenance plants. With our excellent technical knowledge base we have been able to produce the best possible plant supply outcomes for our clients within the usual contractual constraints.
Toolijooa’s reputation for integrity has enabled us to become licensed by the NPWS under Section 132C of the NPW Act 1974 to collect within a number of endangered ecological communities across Sydney.
To date, we have been contracted to collect in most endangered communities in Sydney, including Cumberland Plain Woodland, Sydney Coastal River Flat Forest, Cooks River Clay Plain Scrub, Duffys Forest, Sydney Turpentine Ironbark Forest and Saltmarsh for various clients, both public and private.
Contact the Nursery
Lot 7 Twenty Fifth Avenue
West Hoxton NSW 2171
Contact no. 0404 007 499